30th International Symposium on the
Organic Chemistry of Sulfur

Scientific program

In this page

The Symposium will start in the afternoon of Sunday July 28 with the Registration (15:30-19:00) and theWelcome mixer (19:00-22:00) at the Natural History Museum, Botanical Garden.

How to get to the Botanical Garden

Scientific Program ISOCS-30 Florence

Plenary Lectures (PL01-PL06, 40 min. discussion included)

Invited Lectures (IL01-IL14, 30 min. discussion included).

Short oral communications (OC01-OC42, 20 min. discussion included).

Please refer to the Scientific Program to verify the oral session when your communication has been scheduled.

A Poster session (P01-P34)

has been scheduled on Tuesday, July 30 in the same building, ground floor. Please refer to the Scientific Program to get the number assigned to the posters.

The area available for each poster is 70 cm (width) x 100 (height).

Material for mounting posters will be available at the Symposium desk.

Posters can be displayed from lunch time of Monday 29 till lunch time of Wednesday 31.


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