ISMEC 2018
International Symposium on Metal Complexes

International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2018)




Welcome to ISMEC 2018

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC 2018) which will be held in Florence, Italy, from 3rd to 7th June 2018.


ISMEC 2018 will be the 45th edition of a series of meetings that begun in Florence in 1974 as the annual congress of the Italian group of “Thermodynamics of Metal Complexes”. In 1988 it became an Italian-Spanish, or Spanish-Italian congress with annual meetings alternating between Italy and Spain. From 2010, participation was widened at an international level and the meeting took the name of International Symposium on Metal Complexes.

The scientific program will be organised in lectures, oral communications and poster sessions, focused on recent scientific advances in the thermodynamics and the kinetics of complexes in the fields of Analytical, Biomedical, Environmental, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Main topics include, but are not limited to: 
  • Complexation thermodynamics and kinetics
  • Solution equilibria and coordination chemistry
  • Complexation processes in supramolecular chemistry
  • Metal-based reactivity and catalysis
  • Metal-complex interactions with biomolecules
  • Metals in diseases: transport, homeostasis and toxicity
  • Metal-based drugs: diagnosis and therapy 
  • Metal complexes of environmental and biological interests
  • Nanostructured metal complexes
  • Analytical methods and sensors based on complexation equilibria
  • Computer methods for equilibrium analysis

The Symposium aims to provide a valuable discussion forum on the above areas, fostering new collaborations among researchers from diverse backgrounds with complementary skills and goals. In addition to lectures, covering a wide range of topics, a poster session will provide multiple opportunities for informal discussions in a friendly atmosphere.

The Symposium venue is ideally located in the city centre of Florence, with easy access to public transport, hotels, restaurants and bars, pedestrian shopping areas, museums, parks and gardens.

We look forward to welcoming you in Florence in June 2018.


The organizers of ISMEC 2018 


ISMEC 2018 is the 2018 annual congress of the International Group of Thermodynamics of Metal Complexes





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